The political peace of 2020 surpasses the previous two. There has never been an agreement by so many Spanish institutions with an idea as delicate as that of pardons...
Rosalía’s ‘Spanishisms’ upset Catalonia’s language purists
The Guardian - Catalan pop star uses Spanish words in Milionària, her first single in the local language
The global traits of authoritarian populism as shown by its Catalan avatar – Alfons López Tena: Jurist, Spanish Judiciary Council & Catalan Parliament’s ex-member
Putting “the will of the people” above the law, attacking the judiciary, sowing scorn for experts and rational arguments, and bullying dissidents –authoritarian populism...
Deserved recognition – Tribute to the Spaniards who participated in the liberation of Paris
The Minister of Justice participates in the 75th anniversary commemorative events held in the French capital
«Séparatisme catalan, une guerre que l’on connaît si bien»
Cette crise est un conflit interne à la société catalane, où un mouvement identitaire et nationaliste tente d’épurer idéologiquement la région, d’effacer les liens qui...