July 24, 2021
The leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras.
Junqueras assures that the ‘fastest’ way to independence is the one proposed by ERC
The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, has assured in statements to the Efe agency that the path that his party advocates, based on negotiation and broadening the pro-independence social base, is the “fastest” way to achieve the independence of Catalonia . In addition, Junqueras has gone out of the way of those pro-independence sectors that accuse ERC of delaying the process towards independence by proposing a negotiation with the State that, they warn, will hardly culminate in an agreed referendum.
According to Junqueras, “the best strategy is the winner, it is the one that serves to win” and, “in a democracy, it is won when we are more and more. I know that there are people who defend just the opposite, that it is better to be less and less , but they will not convince me. The facts show that in a democracy, here and around the world, you win when you are more and more, not less and less,” he stressed.
International recognition
The president of ERC is convinced that “the strategy that should lead to independence and the constitution of the Catalan republic is the strategy that ERC defends, without any doubt. The fastest way to achieve independence is the one that we defend, is democracy, and in democracy you win by being more and being stronger. Precisely because we want to win we want to be stronger, there is no other way, this is the quickest and most effective way, it is the only way that the international community recognizes, that It is essential, “he stressed.
Junqueras has also admitted that “negotiations are difficult”, but has remarked that “one of the essential conditions to win a negotiation is to negotiate, negotiate more than anyone else, as much as necessary, and never leave the negotiating table. We are here, certain that negotiation is the door that opens the way to the Catalan republic “, has insisted Junqueras, who recalled:” The international community always asks us to lead this will to negotiate. “
As for the debate on the unilateral path, he has warned that “there is no relevant political, economic or social issue in the world that is strictly unilateral”. For Junqueras, “all important issues are complex and always have a multilateral character, they always affect many institutional levels”, so “the solution is always multilateral.”
The ‘other’ vision
Regarding his relationship with former president Carles Puigdemont, he assured that for his part “there have never been any reproaches of any kind. You will not find any word or writing of mine that expresses reproaches, and I am very proud that this is the case,” said Junqueras, who has stated that “ERC is the ultimate embodiment of the concept of unity.”
However, the differences of vision between the two leaders is evident. Today, the Minister of Justice of the Generalitat, Lourdes Ciuró, has affirmed that the independence movement must bet on the path of “intelligent confrontation that says” the former president of the Government and leader of Junts, Carles Puigdemont, and that has already resulted pardons for the promoters of 1-O, according to her.
“The pardons have been a consequence of the strategy of exile,” she defended in an interview in the newspaper ‘El Nacional’ collected by Europa Press, in which she added that this measure is only the first step to advance towards independence and amnesty.
In this sense, she has remarked that the situation of the “reprisals” and of the bonds imposed by the Court of Accounts for a value of 5.4 million euros to 34 high-ranking Government officials for foreign action still remains to be resolved, and has claimed that the solution to these issues would be amnesty.
Asked about her objectives at the head of Justice for this legislature, she has detailed that she intends to promote Catalan civil law: “We have our own tool, our own, modern, up-to-date law, which is rarely invoked, also by professionals; we want it to be invoked more”. She has also explained that she wants to “awaken vocations among judges, lawyers and prosecutors of the administration of justice in Catalonia”, as well as to promote Catalan in the field of justice.
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