July 16, 2021
The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and that of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, meeting at the Palacio de la Moncloa / EUROPA PRESS
The bilatgeral commission between the central Government and the Generalitat of Catalonia will meet on Monday, August 2 in Madrid, as confirmed by Government sources after the Minister of Territorial Policy, Isabel Rodríguez, and the Councilor of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà, agreed the date this afternoon.
Vilagrà and Rodríguez, had a first telephone contact this afternoon to begin preparing the meeting. The Generalitat insists on the need for the meeting to be held before the parenthesis of the summer holidays. And he has asserted, in this sense, the “commitment” acquired by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, according to sources from the Catalan Executive.
“Social and infrastructure issues”
On the matters that could be dealt with at the meeting of the bilateral commission, Councilor Vilagrà has indicated that they have not yet been agreed, but that “there are many issues” accumulated due to the fact that the commission has not met since 2018.
If there are issues “that are not too mature”, another meeting can be planned to address them later, she explained, “but we cannot miss this opportunity” to start talking about “social and infrastructure issues”.
The commission – which will meet in Madrid after the last time it met in Barcelona – was scheduled for the end of July, as agreed by the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, and that of the central government, Pedro Sánchez, before he undertook a remodelling of his Executive last week.
The vice-president of the Generalitat, Jordi Puigneró (JxCat), and the councillors of Economy, Jaume Giró (JxCat), and of Presidency, Laura Vilagrà (ERC), were appointed two weeks ago to head the delegation of the Government in the different bilateral commissions with the State, in which other members of the Catalan regional executive will also participate.
Specifically, the Government agreed to the appointment of the presidents and members of the Generalitat-State bilateral commission; and also from the bilateral Infrastructure Commission, the Joint Economic and Fiscal Affairs Commission and the Joint Transfers Commission.
The first of these bilateral commissions will be chaired by the Minister Vilagrà and will be made up of Jordi Puigneró, Jaume Giró, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Núria Cuenca, the delegate of the Generalitat in Madrid, Ester Capella,, and the Secretary General for Digital Policies and Territory, Ricard Font.
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