January 20, 2025

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Being on the left is not being pro-independence. To be on the left is to be an internationalist, supportive, think about others, it is not the selfishness of wanting to go and let others make it as they can. Being on the left is incompatible with being pro-independence”. Illa has also reproached ERC and JxCat for wanting to "make believe" that the last decade has been one of "successes", when, in his opinion, "they have been the worst ten years in the last 300 in the history of Catalonia". For this reason, he has stressed that the PSC will give "zero days of grace" to the Government, although they have announced that they will give their support to "finish eradicating the pandemic" and "make up for lost time, which is a lot, in terms of European funds”.

Newsroom HuffPost, EFE


EUROPA PRESS NEWS VIA GETTY IMAGES Salvador Illa, in the Parliament of Catalonia.

“Neither Catalonia will be independent, nor will there be amnesty or referendum”, said the PSC leader.

The leader of the PSC in Catalan Parliament, Salvador Illa, has accused the pro-sovereignty left of “deceiving” the Catalans by “associating social progress with intrinsically unsupportive disruptive approaches”, and has opined that “being on the left is incompatible with being pro-independence” . This is what he remarked this Saturday in Barcelona before the National Council of the PSC, where he accused the Catalan Government of proposing “a divisive objective that does not represent the whole of Catalan citizenship” and leads to “false expectations that will generate frustration”: “Neither Catalonia will be independent, nor there will be an amnesty or a referendum”. According to Illa, the new Catalan executive is built on the basis of several “deceptions”, among which is, in his opinion, one “especially painful”, which consists of linking independence with social progress.

“He accuses the pro-sovereignty left of “deceiving” the Catalans by “associating social progress with intrinsically unsupportive disruptive approaches””

An approach against which he has warned: “Being on the left is not being pro-independence. To be on the left is to be an internationalist, supportive, think about others, it is not the selfishness of wanting to go and let others make it as they can. Being on the left is incompatible with being pro-independence”. Illa has also reproached ERC and JxCat for wanting to “make believe” that the last decade has been one of “successes”, when, in his opinion, “they have been the worst ten years in the last 300 in the history of Catalonia”. For this reason, he has stressed that the PSC will give “zero days of grace” to the Government, although they have announced that they will give their support to “finish eradicating the pandemic” and “make up for lost time, which is a lot, in terms of European funds”.

On the other hand, he has insisted that the Government will decide on the pardons to the leaders of the ‘procés‘ based on criteria that “are not the polls or the short-term political situation”, but “the search for justice, understanding, favoring the re-union of the Catalans, think about the future and defend the public interest” because Catalonia, he remarked, “needs to take a leap forward”. In this sense, he has disfigured the Catalan and Spanish right that “are often afraid that things are going well” and therefore practice “the patriotism of fear and the revenge of cowardice” “Patriotism is wanting people to do well in Catalonia and Spain and that means guaranteeing the right to stability, harmony and balance”, he stressed before asking from “those who have led to this impasse” that they “do not get in the way”.



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