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The "arguments" of the dominant pro-independence sectors every day make more pain. The attempt at "leftwashing" (equivalent to the "greenwashing" practiced by some companies) by Pere Aragonés and other sectors of the independence movement cannot fool anyone. The Socialist Group in Parliament does well to intensify accountability and persist so that discontent with the management is transferred to a vote for the alternative. We must not wait to kill ourselves to regain coexistence later, as in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country, not to mention even more traumatic experiences in human history. You can always end up improving, the problem is that if we take too long, there will be few left to explain it. Federalism is already happening: cooperative taxation proposed by Biden, it is the Next Generation EU funds, it is co-governance in Spain, Europe and the world, it is multi-culturality and multi-linguism, and it is the idea of ​​the great best-selling economists (like Thomas Piketty). We cannot shyly hide behind the identitarianisms, now that the world turns in favor of collective solutions, it is time to say forcefully that we were right.

Francesc Trillas. – Sunday, May 2, 2021

Image: Ventotene Manifesto

There is a background current that wants to turn the page in Catalonia, but that lives with a climate of fatalism in sectors that would like to do so, given the difficulties in taking away its political and social dominance from the independence movement.

The “arguments” of the dominant pro-independence sectors every day make more pain. The wreath of flowers in the dialogue and the attempt to appartheid vaccination to the professionals of the security forces of the state that live in Catalonia, place these sectors exactly in the moral place that they occupy.

DIR and Mediapro’s (private companies) money goes ahead of any social emergency in Catalonia, and goes ahead of dedicating the numerous resources of the self-government to managing public affairs and reinforcing the collective at all levels, as it is trying to do from all over Europe and from the United States.

The attempt at “leftwashing” (equivalent to the “greenwashing” practiced by some companies) by Pere Aragonés and other sectors of the independence movement cannot fool anyone, no matter how much it puts the bizarre CUP (between an OJE of Puigdemont and a cell of the nun Forcades) through. The homologated social democracy in Catalonia and Spain (in which ERC puts a sanitary cordon) is what it is. Until they have the international allies, the baggage of social achievements and the workers’ vote that the socialist party PSC has and has historically had, they will be able to talk about social democracy (without shaming their faces), inclusive growth and shared prosperity. For now, private companies like DIR and Mediapro are the ones who share their solidarity. I am not saying that ERC are no real leftists and even federalists, but please prove it with facts (the first, breaking with Waterloo).

The Socialist Group in Parliament does well to intensify accountability and persist so that discontent with the management is transferred to a vote for the alternative. We must not wait to kill ourselves to regain coexistence later, as in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country, not to mention even more traumatic experiences in human history. You can always end up improving, the problem is that if we take too long, there will be few left to explain it.

Federalism is not the Declaration of Granada (which had the merit of making the PSOE say after many years that it was a knowing federalist), not even the reform of the Constitution and the Statute, which are good ideas already worked out, which await consensus to be applied. It is more and less at the same time. Federalism is the cooperative taxation proposed by Biden, it is the Next Generation EU funds, it is co-governance in Spain, Europe and the world, it is multi-culturality and multi-linguism, and it is the idea of ​​the great best-selling economists (like Thomas Piketty). I mean, they are things that are already happening! Now that they are happening, we cannot shyly hide behind the identitarianisms, which are losing the intellectual debate by a landslide. Salvador Illa already said it: when the “process” arrived, it took us intellectually weak. Now that the world turns in favor of collective solutions, it is time to say forcefully that we were right.

It cannot be that Pedro Sánchez and Moncloa become again “federalists without knowing it” (following instructions from spin doctors?), nor can it be that the word federal and its derivatives are allowed to be used only by a willful and isolated Ximo Puig (president of Valencia autonomy), that he deserves the support of all and to be accompanied in a speech that should make his all the left and the center-left in Spain, Europe and the world.

We must mobilize and activate critical people, help them to get out of fear and intimidation, convince some abductees, and work with the new generations. With management, and with narrative, story, “framing”. The youth are overwhelmingly progressive, here and in many other places. But they are vulnerable to national popular pressure. It is the great hope in the medium and long term. But it cannot be that between the youth and Joe Biden, the middle generations think that to defeat identity demagoguery it is enough to speak without conviction.



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