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Home » Content » European Parliament calls for automatic extradition for crimes against “constitutional integrity”
The European Parliament calls for expanding the list of 32 crimes that involve automatic surrender in the event that a Euro order is issued, without having to check whether the crime is typified in the same way in the country requesting the extradition and in which the receives. And among the ten new crimes that would imply this automatism would be that of "crimes against the constitutional integrity of the member states committed through the use of violence." Proposes to expand the list of the 32 offenses of the euro order that do not need double criminalization. The report was approved by European Parliament this afternoon by a large majority, 444 votes in favor, 139 against and 106 abstentions.

Jaume Masdeu 20/01/2020

Image of European Parliament EFE

The European Parliament calls for expanding the list of 32 crimes that involve automatic surrender in the event that a Euro order is issued, without having to check whether the crime is typified in the same way in the country requesting the extradition and in which the receives. And among the ten new crimes that would imply this automatism would be that of “crimes against the constitutional integrity of the member states committed through the use of violence.”

The report was approved by the European Parliament this afternoon by a large majority, 444 votes in favor, 139 against and 106 abstentions

The report was approved by the European Parliament this afternoon by a large majority

The expanded list includes other crimes such as a serious threat to public order, gender violence, environmental crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, among others, but the one that focuses attention is that of constitutional integrity, since it has a very direct relationship with the various Euro-orders requested, without success at the moment, against Carles Puigdemont, Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí.

The PP and Ciudadanos were the main inspirers of this report and especially of including the attacks on constitutional integrity within the crimes that do not need to prove the double criminal offense. Later they were joined by the socialists who called for the inclusion of violence as a necessary requirement. The Greens and United Left Podemos have voted against and Vox has abstained. The rapporteur for the report has been the popular deputy, Javier Zarzalejos, who has declared that “the non-application of the euro order should be the exception, and for this refusal to occur it should be solidly argued with objective elements.”
The PP and Ciudadanos were the main inspirers of this report and especially of including the attacks on constitutional integrity

For their part, Puigdemont, Comin and Ponsatí have published a statement in which they consider that “the Euroorders work well and that the approval of the resolution is a joint maneuver by the PP, PSOE, Cs and Vox that will not have any consequences.”

Once the Parliament is positioned, it is up to the European Commission, and specifically the Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, to decide whether to start the process of reform of the euro order.


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