February 12, 2025

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Home » Content » Unavoidable parallels: Capitol, Catalan Parliament
Contemplating mobs outside Capitol perched on private cars or in Catalonia streets on the roof of a police car encouraging protesters, the same mobs again penetrating the Capitol or trying to enter Catalan Parliament repeat the feeling of equivalence. Vice president of the Spanish Government puts a tweet with the following text: “What we are seeing in the US is the modus operandi of the extreme right: the blatant lie as a political weapon and the attempt to subvert institutional mechanisms when they are not favorable to him”. The question is, isn't Catalan secessionism far-right? Didn't they try to subvert the Spanish institutional mechanisms because they were not favorable to them? Weren't there lies and violence in the events of September and October 2017 by national-secessionism? He avoids entering into the qualification of the acts of the seditious. For me it is clear that all the answers are affirmative and that Pablo Manuel Iglesias should condemn the proto-fascist acts of the Catalan process. But it seems that our vice president has a double yardstick and while in the US the institutions are sacred, in Spain they are not. It is clear that peacefully surrounding a parliament is not the same as wanting to storm it. But wanting to change the results of a vote or impose a secession are serious crimes against the constitution of any country. A self-respecting left cannot have different criteria for similar actions.

Vicente Serrano – 01/10/2020

Member of the Progressive Citizen Alternative

Contemplating the two Jordis perched on the hood or is it the roof? of the Civil Guard patrol car surrounded by fanatics ready to assault the Generalitat’s Conselleria d’Economia (09/20/17) and the two robbers of the Capitol perched, that is, in a private car you cannot avoid making a parallel between the two altercations. The other two pictures, some of the mobs entering the Capitol, and others trying to enter the Parliament of Catalonia (10/1/18), repeat the feeling of equivalence.

Before the events of the Capitol, the vice president of the Spanish Government, puts a tweet with the following text: “What we are seeing in the US is the modus operandi of the extreme right: the blatant lie as a political weapon and the attempt to subvert institutional mechanisms when they are not favorable to him. Faced with their violence and their lies there and here: democracy and anti-fascism ”. On the other hand, when he talks about secessionist politicians convicted of sedition, he describes them as “political prisoners.” It is evident that with his demagogic verbiage he avoids entering into the qualification of the acts of the seditious.

The question is, isn’t Catalan secessionism far-right? Didn’t they try to subvert the Spanish institutional mechanisms because they were not favorable to them? Weren’t there lies and violence in the events of September and October 2017 by national-secessionism?

For me it is clear that all the answers are affirmative and that Pablo Manuel Iglesias should condemn the proto-fascist acts of the procés. But it seems that our vice president has a double yardstick and while in the US the institutions are sacred, in Spain they are not. While some acts organized from a power of the Spanish State (now yes) such as the Generalitat of Catalonia, which with the fraudulent approval of disconnection laws, with the organization and execution of an illegal referendum, encouraging aggressive and violent demonstrations, etc., he tries to impose by force of the facts a constitutional rupture seems to him a problem to be solved “politically”. The occupation of the US Congress by hordes equally harangued by the US Head of State, that yes without almost organization and without organized involvement, apparently, of areas of his own government, with the intention of annulling the electoral result that is adverse to him, they seem like an attack on democracy. Don Pablo does not seem to use the same standard with each other.

It is clear that peacefully surrounding a parliament is not the same as wanting to storm it. But wanting to change the results of a vote or impose a secession are serious crimes against the constitution of any country. It is evident that Manichaeism leads the left and right to always justify what the leader says by qualifying as fascist or socialcommunist (as an insult) to the contrary depending on the third.

A self-respecting left cannot have different criteria for similar actions. A self-respecting left cannot forget its own. A self-respecting left cannot agree to cessions of sovereignty that mainly affect the working classes. A self-respecting left cannot ask for pardons for those who intend to commit a crime again. A self-respecting left cannot speak of attention to diversity at school and defend the forced linguistic immersion in Catalan, of children with Spanish as a family language. If it does not pride itself on defending its people, it is because it is not left.


The Comúns govern Barcelona City Council in coalition with Catalan socialist party PSC and they pride themselves on being on the left, but they seem to have forgotten about their votes from workers of Nou Barris and Sant Andreu, after more than a year of actively collaborating in facilitating the Meridiana pro-independentists traffic interruptions and protecting that ultra-right coup that demands “freedom political prisoners”, which seeks, through the perpetual gymkhana of “a few grouped”, to maintain the pulse with the rule of law, as a bad, very bad, parody of antifascist resistance.

To finish off offending those of us who were fighters for the end of the Franco dictatorship, they raise a communist and / or republican flag … nothing is further from the nationalist and totalitarian ideology that animates them!

And see you on the 15th!


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