February 12, 2025

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Home » Content » Catalans ask their ‘Government’ to prioritize fighting the crisis, not the independence
Only one in every fifty Catalans thinks that the government is solving these problems. This distrust even affects one of the two parties that make up the government of the Generalitat. The voters of the rest of the parties are clear about the ineffectiveness of the Generalitat government in its management. This is what 85.3% of those who voted for Ciutadans in the 2017 Parliamentary elections think, 81.7% of those who opted for the PSC, 72.3% of those who voted Catalunya in Comú-Podem , 66.7% of those who did so for the PP and 66.7% of those who voted for the CUP.


Catalans consider that priority of Catalan Government should be to manage the powers available to it to face the social and health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and not to concentrate its efforts on the independence process according to the data collected from the Valuation Survey on Governance and Public Police presented this Friday, October 2 by the Center d’Estudis d’Opinió (Opinion Studies Center)

56.6% of the citizens who participated in the survey, carried out between 7 and 18 of last month, say that “the government of the Generalitat should prioritize to manage public services that are within its competence” while 39 9% believe that this priority has to be “looking to resolve the political problem between Catalonia and Spain”. The pandemic has changed the vision of Catalans on what has to be the priority objective of the management of their government. Last year, when faced with the same question, the answer was that the priority was the solution of the “political problem between Catalonia and Spain”, an option for which 56% of those surveyed opted, while the management of public services competence of the Generalitat, it was far below as a government priority (39.9%).

On the other hand, the CEO’s survey reflects a great distrust of the public towards the capacity of the Government of the Generalitat to face the problems that Catalonia has. 58.5% of Catalans think that “this government doesn’t know how to solve the country’s problems” while only 36.1% think that it does. Only one in every fifty Catalans thinks that the government is solving these problems. This distrust even affects one of the two parties that make up the government of the Generalitat. The number of citizens who voted ERC in the last elections in the Parliament who believe that the government of which this party is a part does not solve the challenges that Catalonia has posed is practically identical to that of those who think that it does. On the other hand, three out of four of those who voted for JxCat are convinced that the executive that Quim Torra had presided over until now was solving the problems of Catalonia or knew how to do it.

The voters of the rest of the parties are clear about the ineffectiveness of the Generalitat government in its management. This is what 85.3% of those who voted for Ciutadans in the 2017 Parliamentary elections think, 81.7% of those who opted for the PSC, 72.3% of those who voted Catalunya in Comú-Podem , 66.7% of those who did so for the PP and 66.7% of those who voted for the CUP.



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