Editorial, 30 April 2023
Astrid Barrio, political scientist and lecturer at the University of Valencia.
The political scientist has assured that a referendum on self-determination is not possible “with the current constitutional model”.
Astrid Barrio, professor at the University of Valencia and member of the council of academics advising the Government of Pere Aragonès to promote the clarity agreement, has assured that the agreed consultation to which the President of the Generalitat aspires “could be, for example, a referendum on the reform of the Statute”. The political scientist argued in an interview in El Mundo that a referendum on self-determination is not possible “with the current constitutional model” and that, therefore, the clarity agreement could serve to explore other avenues.
The expert explained that among the questions that the Generalitat has posed to the experts “there is not only talk of independence, but of a referendum in general”. She indicated that this process could be used to propose a new Statute.
The political scientist explained that the task of the advisors to the council of academics is to contribute “plural and open reflections”, responding to the questions posed by the Aragonès government. The President of the Generalitat defended the importance of this council incorporating “people who defend the yes and no” to independence in order to achieve a broad vision, as is the case of Barrio, who has always maintained a position far removed from pro-independence.
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