Macron, ‘alors, casse-toi, con’
Josep María Cortés, 22 January 2023
Emmanuel Macron, by Farruqo
Last Thursday’s little indepe’ stunt in front of the MNAC was like an episode of the film Vive la France, a refreshing parody that shows the lack of brains of the rebellious. It could perfectly allude to the Catalan Govern, which is not accepted in the concert of nations, where the protocol of the states matters above all; and of course, President Aragonès did not pay this worship by standing up Sánchez and Macron when the Spanish and French anthems were playing. Despite such impudence, Macron was initially compassionate when Aragonès told him: “We, after independence, want to remain Europeans, you know”. The French leader hallucinated, but kept his mouth shut, after signing a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. And he waited until the hour of his speech to say that “patriotism is a sentimental exaltation, while nationalism represents the negation of the other”.
Everyone saw Oriol Junqueras in the street with the demonstrators, four cats, where Junts supporters called him “traitor” and botifler, under the cynical smile of Laura Borràs. The embarrassment of our authorities is infamous. The appearance of Junqueras in the middle of an argument with those who rebuked him is the third world culmination we were missing. And when Sánchez apologised to President Aragonès for having presented himself, despite the shooing of the anthems, the snot ran down our nostrils from the cold atmosphere. The president said that, at least, he “has come, unlike others”, comparing the Barcelona meeting with the Spanish-German summit in A Coruña, to which the current president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, did not show up, citing agenda problems; and recalling in passing Díaz Ayuso’s non-appearance at the Spanish-Polish summit in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid).
The fact is that the meeting between Sánchez and Macron has had a significant impact on issues of economy, security, borders, energy and European construction. After the bilateral agreements in Paris with Berlin and Rome, this Barcelona summit consolidates the real alternative to the outdated Franco-German axis.
But on a domestic level, the other day’s event was a disaster. While the meeting closed generous exchanges between the two countries, the street was a grotesque labyrinth. Before leaving, Macron visited the Picasso Museum and ended the day at the Lycée Français with French business executives. For his part, Sánchez and Salvador Illa coincided, as if by impossible chance, in the bookshop La Central, where the president congratulated the PSC leader for not giving in on the budget pact with ERC.
Two days later, yesterday, the Spanish right colluded in Cibeles with the foetal heartbeat of the unborn -third photo of Colón- complementing the masquerade of Montjuïc. Today, Sunday, the shirtless have left the streets and the Mountain does not boast from the henhouse of the legislative chambers. Institutionality wins; Vox retreats in Castilla y León and Junqueras drowns in his own national-populist sauce. But nothing has happened here: nationalism makes a fool of itself once again and Spanish hiper-nationalism kills flies with cannon shots, as usual.
The aforementioned film Vive la France ends when the enemies of the neighbouring country (the ‘indepes’) forget their war and teach the French the recipe for tabbouleh, the salad of chopped parsley and bulgur, typical of Shami cuisine. A certain Marianne, wearing a Phrygian cap allegorical of the French Revolution, runs the kitchen and serves the table. And after the agape, Macron, fed up with the territorial purring, gets rid of the ‘indepe’ of the moment in a stern cameo: Alors, casse-toi, con¡ (get the fuck out of here!).
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