In this special paper for Policy Network, Josep M Oller, Albert Satorra, and Adolf Tobeña consider the long-term implications of the Catalan...
Category - Articles
With this verdict a stage is closed in which justice has been done. What happened in 2017 cannot be trivialised
Sedition is not liked by anyone because it forces them to change strategy
What is the story of Catalan independence – and what happens next?
On day that Spain’s supreme court announced verdicts in trial of 12 separatist leaders, we look at how the movement has evolved
The Elcano Institute proposes giving in and reciprocity from both sides as a way out of the Catalan conflict
In the latest report of the ‘think tank’ on the ‘procés’ it refers to the possibility of reaching consociational agreements and power sharing
Article 155 does not protect the public order, but the constitutional one, and the Government trusts in not having to apply it
The response of the Democrats must be calm, tranquil and moderate. But also very firm
Spain’s Supreme Court rules out rebellion charge against Catalan separatist leaders
While the ruling is not expected until next week, legal sources said the 12 defendants will not be convicted of the top charge they were facing over...
Chacón distances herself from Comín: “Harming the Spanish economy harms us”
The 'regional minister' of Economy warns against mobilizations damaging the economic fabric
Those who might think that an 'exemplary' sentence is part of the solution to the Catalan question are mistaken; and very much so