Puigdemont has tried desperately to get the Republicans to vote for him and the Socialists not to vote for themselves in the investiture debate...
Category - Secessionist Propaganda
One of the greatest characteristics of the ‘procés’ in Catalonia is that it has zero self-criticism. Mao meow.
Self-criticism and awareness of one's own mistakes, enjoying public scorn and the right of comrades to put you down as a donkey, all this - we are...
Madí reviews his role in the Catalan procés and considers that ‘Churchill would have sent troops to stop 1-O’.
David Madí: ‘Spain has an admirable culture of power; in Catalonia we have to develop it’. Madí reviews in his book the years of the procés, which he...
What has changed in Catalonia? The closure of the process
The claim that the procés was something unique and was going to surprise the world has changed. As in Quebec or Scotland, as Carles Castro documented...
The collapse of Catalan pro-independence majority in Catalonia
Independence has fallen to 43% of the vote and 25% of the census, and its decline has opened the door to local national populism.
In Catalonia “Junts” pro-independentist party puts the amnesty at risk
Yesterday pro-independentist party Junts made a bold proposal to the Government to impose an amnesty law tailored to their interests and found that...
Spanish Government warns pro-independentist party Junts that “not just any amnesty text is constitutional”.
The bill promoted by the PSOE in Congress, Montero said, "had all the guarantees to be a constitutional text", but the amendments that Junts intended...
The process in Catalonia had grotesque episodes, strong political and social tension and also attempts to violate the law. Investigations have difficulty in discerning responsibility for actions with broad popular support.
It was not all innocent smiles and colourful demonstrations, as the pro-independence movement now claims, but neither did half of Catalonia allow...
Spanish government is trying to limit the scope of the concessions agreed with Junts
Despite the nuances of several ministers, the pro-sovereignty party welcomes the entente and the PSOE's concessions.
Artur Mas, former President of Catalonia “The pro-independence project today does not have the conditions to go ahead”.
So, do you consider the ‘procés’ as we have known it to be over? Yes, and I think it is better that it is so, because from these ten long years of...