I insist, therefore, on my idea: a part of Catalan society and its leaders - who are those who today set the tone for Catalonia's future - lack...
Category - Separatism
The TSJC denies amnesty to Mas, Ortega and Rigau for 9-N because they have already served their sentences.
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has refused to apply the amnesty law to the former president of the Generalitat Artur Mas, the former...
Salvador Illa: ‘Catalonia has voted no to leave and yes to consolidate a plural and diverse Spain’
What would be your summary of these years of the procés? I think the most objective summary is that Catalonia has fallen far short of its potential...
So celebration, yes; but skepticism too. And second, that the PSOE’s concessions help to liquidate the demagogy of repression. In other words, that...
Amnesty in exchange for appeasement in Catalonia
There is no other way out than to recognise the mistake of making a pact with these pro-independence supporters and take the consequences. It was not...
Where is independentism heading in Catalonia?
Polls indicate that the electoral recovery of Catalan nationalism does not involve secession but rather more self-government to defend its identity
Spain’s capitulation to the Catalan separatists took place in Brussels on Thursday 9 November 2023
If the pact between PSOE and Junts is fulfilled, Catalonia will be independent.
And how did the Spanish nation manage to survive despite the successive crises of its state? Because of the stubborn adherence of the majority of its...
Illa appeals in Catalonia to confidence and hope in the face of the tension surrounding amnesty
"Recovering fractures". For his part, the Secretary General of Units per Avançar, Ramon Espadaler, defended that the amnesty "is an opportunity to...
Hundreds of thousands in the first mobilisation against amnesty after Sánchez’s investiture
The Government Delegation puts the attendance at 170,000, but the organisers put it at one million. Fernando Savater has declared that "Catalonia and...