The President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, will attend this Friday the institutional act for the Constitution Day in the Congress of Deputies...
What is OpenKat debate platform?
OpenKat is a debate platform working with collaborators from Catalonia, the rest of Spain and all of Europe wh o share similar values. The aim is to include opinions covering the entire political spectrum as long as they are respectful of the existing laws of Spain and the European Union, including those views which express the need to change existing laws through established mechanisms.
Know our valuesOpenKat debate platform seeks to find solutions to the challenges posed by the continued pressure of the Catalan separatists, which deeply affect Catalan society and Spain´s in general. OpenKat also seeks to facilitate finding responses to the threats raised by the unilateralist behavior of the separatists, vis-à-vis democratic institutions in Catalonia, in Spain at large and in Europe in general.
Pluralist communication and debate platform
Catalan personalities express their support for the Mossos and criticize Torra
They point out that police bodies have acted "with professionalism and dedication" during the altercations following the 'procés' ruling
The European Court of Human Rights rejects the demand of Forcadell against her remand
The decision was made in March by a single judge, in which case Strasbourg applies the "policy" of not making public the reasons for not admitting it
The EU closes the purchase of medical supplies to send to Spain and other countries
Von der Leyen applauds Sánchez's proposal to tackle a new Marshall Plan in the face of the coronavirus crisis. In an interview for 'El País', Ursula von der Leyen...
The three fallacies of Catalan pro-independence explained to the Hong Kong people
Neither Spain is China, nor Catalonia is Hong Kong". The columnist Mar Llera, faced with comparisons between the Honk Kong protests and the secessionist claims...
Catalonia: Does international law contemplate separatism?
No right to independence. Under international law, there is no right to secession - unless both sides agree with that option. Which, of course, is not the case on the...
Finding solutions with alternative constructive responses
OpenKat does not have a position on the mentioned matter and only seeks to serve as a communication and debate platform for alternative constructive responses, seeking the required consensus within the framework provided by our constitution.